Module 4 – Image Meandering

In our upcoming and last image study, we want to focus on the particular movements of climate images on the web across the different actors, interests and platforms.

In a first step, we want to focus on analysing the networking and patterns of such climate skeptic individuals and organisations, who strategically cast doubt on the findings of peer-reviewed, mainstream climate science using the archive of the DeSmog blog. At the moment the research database contains appr. 460 entries for individuals and 220 entries for organisations. DeSmog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming.

We want to find out what the data collection of the DeSmog blog tells us about the activities of organised climate denial, who the people are, where the money comes from, but also about their networking activities and how the actors make use of networks on social media platforms. In times of growing disinformation the interest in climate denial activities in the field of climate communication research is very high, but the extensive research database of the DeSmog blog has not been researched by using digital methods in detail yet. We are sure to provide fruitful insights for further research and for investigative journalism alike by analyzing this data.

More details will be shared soon.